I’m excited to announce my free eBook!

Taking Flight The Power of 3 Small Steps

Overcome Restlessness | Surrender Fear | Grow in Contentment

My eBook was inspired out of my personal desire to grow in the often neglected areas of spiritual and emotional maturity. As we are all a witness to, maturity is not a guarantee! After working as a counselor and educator for over 25 years, I have come to understand there are a few essentials for growth. This book will remind you that the process, though it requires intentionality, is ultimately a move toward the One who will do the work we are unable to do. Thankfully, it’s not all up to us! Grab your copy here!

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    Growth doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Tired of feeling stuck in the trap of aimlessness and passivity? My eBook is designed to move you in the right direction one step at a time!